Friday, June 17, 2005

No Country For Old Men Explosion

Dublith I am in right now, with Edward and Alphonse-kun-kun. I worried a little when I went up to Edward to his people and discovered that was not there, fortunately Rockbell lady informed me that he had gone to visit his teacher and I could go with Alphonse-kun to pick. Unfortunately we had to stay there all day, because there were no more trains until late afternoon, and apparently the train had a slight mishap and made a stop for several hours in the middle of the journey, so we have not come up first morning. But I am delighted that Edward-kun is right.
I sent a message to headquarters to report my situation (although, um, I'm not supposed to service, but could further delay pmean that the colonel knows where I am if there is an emergency). I hope Edward-kun wants to accompany me back to Central. And I hope
Black Hayate is taking good care of Colonel Mustang ^ _ ~


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