Friday, June 19, 2009

Fp-100c In Polariod Camera

oom around in a Black 67 \\ 'Chevy Impala . , and live happily ever after.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Symptoms Of Pain In An Old Dog

The truth is that he had seen several post of Merlin with comments or icons. I had not attracted much attention, frankly, but oh, the blessed evening without doing anything. Yonkis Series: Merlin. And I began to see it.

And it was like an arrow. From the beginning. See that boy, so handsome. It has a very rare beauty. Beautiful eyes. Protruding ears. But it's like glass, tiny. It is fragile (and sweet), but at the same time has the force of a thousand soldiers who have to protect a Arturo is still too immature (and incredibly handsome, incidentally).

Merlin and Arthur. Both have the necessary strength and courage. They are two sides of the coin. Both are willing to die for the other by the simMLXC "" I warn you that I have been trained to kill from birth.
-Oh. And how long you trained to be a waste?
"It can go well for me.
"Sorry. How long have you trained to be a useless ... my Lord? "

be bugs. Taken out of proportion. This excessive vitality of Merlin maturity in combat against the prince.

"- Nervous?
"I do not get nervous.
"It's okay to be"
- Would you not to replicate! "

Merlin is a hero, but Arturo tries to protect above all else.

, "Gwen is not a witch, I do.
"Then Arrest him.
- Father, this is crazy! There is no way dar. We can. Just believe in them. "

And always will, but Merlin feel the constant fear of possible rejection.

"" No matter what happens out there, please do not think differently about me.
"I will not."

And it will not.

Behold... My Future I will spend my days as a Minion